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Professiona piano tuner based in South London.
A standard tuning costs £95 and takes 1.5 hours.
Repairs: contact for quote
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My name is Tim Siddall and I am a fully qualified piano tuner and technician.
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Free, and old, pianos
A word of caution
Please think very carefully before accepting an offer of a "free" piano as more often than not they turn out to be a costly mistake and you may end up having to pay to dispose of it.
Unlike a violin, a piano definitely does not improve with age.
Always check the instrument personally or ask a qualified technician to assess the piano before accepting it. There are many nice pianos out there but there are also many more that are ready to be scrapped.
If the piano sounds terrible, then avoid it!
Peckham Pianos are happy to advise on buying a good and reasonably priced 2nd hand piano.
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